Friday, May 4, 2012

Cytotec Induction Dangers: What if Viagra Made Penises Explode?

(There is a connection – stay with me here!)

Cytotec (misoprostol) is a drug for stomach ulcers.  However, it is used "off-label" in the USA to induce labour, per obstetrical guidelines.  It’s not approved by the FDA for such use.  In fact the manufacturer issued a written warning against use of Cytotec for labour induction as it can cause hyper-contraction of the uterus, which can lead to uterine rupture, which can obviously lead to death.

So, when Cytotec is used as directed by the ACOG (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists), a well documented, possible side effect is uterine rupture.   

Ina May Gaskin started a quilt project in which each square represents a woman who died in childbirth.  Many of these squares are dedicated to women who received Cytotec induction. 

This issue was raised by some classmates today.  Many good points were made; the most obvious being, why are Cytotec inductions allowed, despite ample evidence to show it's a dangerous practice.  It was suggested that this demonstrates the extent of disregard for women and their bodies.  My friend and classmate, Kelly Graham, a passionate advocate for women's health, speculated, "I wonder how many (of these same) doctors would prescribe Viagra if a side effect was penis explosion.”  Or - another analogy - would we use a drug to help asthma if a possible side effect was ruptured lungs?

Enough said.       

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